
Mantrailing is an exciting new dog sport, involving training dogs to find hidden people using their incredible noses, in a fun and rewarding way that is accessible to pet dogs and their owners.

Will you and your dog find your missing person?

All sessions last 2–3 hours and are conducted under tight Health & Safety regulations and are Covid-19 risk assessed. Dogs work individually on long lines and harnesses and are rewarded at the end of each trail. Mantrailing is great for nervous or reactive dogs as well as mischievous ones.

The dogs rest in the car between their trails to give them downtime to process what they have just learnt and the handler becomes the missing person for another pair. It is all about creating a bond between you and your dog and having fun.

  • Introductory

    Every team (Dog and Handler) must complete an introductory session prior to any progression sessions.

    This involves a short presentation on the theory behind mantrailing and what you will do during a trail. It looks at the starting rituals and scent articles along with the importance of rewards at the end of the trail. There will then be three short trails to "fire up" the dog and handler. Dogs understand at different speeds, so don't worry if your dog is a bit slower on the uptake than others.

    At the end of the session you will receive a certificate of attendance. This certificate allows you to trail with any qualified Mantrailing UK instructor. You will receive individual feedback on the next steps for you and your dog.

    An Introductory session is £55.

  • Progression

    Our Progression mantrailing sessions are held at an assortment of venues: urban, semi-rural, rural, private and public. Each trail is adapted to the individual team so all the teams on the session will be at different levels giving you the chance to observe how others trail.

    You will complete 2 to 3 trails and advance through the different starts, scent articles, length of trail and degree of difficulty. You will be the ‘misper’ (missing person) for the others in your session while your dog has a break in the car.

    Sessions always end with a group chat and individual feedback. If you like certificates you can work through the Mantrailing UK level 1, 2 and 3 assessments – please ask for a record book.

    A Progression session ranges from £20 to £35 depending on venue and duration.

  • Themed

    We occasionally hold special themed mantrailing sessions.

    It could be for Easter, Yorkshire Day, Halloween, Christmas, or location-themed such as Herriot Country, or something more offbeat like a Murder Mystery theme!

    More details of upcoming events are on the on the News & Events page.